An office is a company’s first business card, a space that very often welcomes not only its employees, but also its clients and suppliers.

Creating a comfortable, functional and customized workspace for your business is therefore very important. An office also serves as that place in which many of us spend most of our time!

Creating the right environment is easier than you think, we will show you in practical terms how to manage office furnishing from start to finish, and what design solutions can be adopted.

Spacious office desks

A desk is without a doubt that one element from which to begin composing the furnishings for any type of office. Having a spacious and tidy workstation allows you to organize your space in a consistent way, without having to waste time looking for important documents. A desk should first and foremost be practical. The model should therefore be chosen taking in account your work needs.

The materials to choose from are usually glass and wood. What is most important here is to ensure that there is space for a desktop computer, its technological accessories, and that there is space for paper documents and for folders. Another factor to consider is the height of your office desk, as your legs will need to sit comfortably for long periods of time. The presence of one or more drawers on the sides could be useful in completing the working position.

Good lighting and bright colors

The office must be adequately lit to ensure that those at work always have good visibility.

It is absolutely necessary to avoid excessively blinding lights that could cause discomfort, and at the same time to avoid lights that could cause eye strain, which could have a significant impact on work productivity.

The most suitable option, if the environment allows for it, is to have natural lighting that can be optimally exploited by inserting any dimming system to prevent excessive lighting from causing glares and reflections.

Generally speaking, it is advisable to choose lighting that is both comfortable and energy efficient. Choosing the right color temperature for the lights is also important for the quality of the environment. There is a range of varying possibilities to choose from: tubular fluorescent, compact fluorescent and LEDs.

It is best to avoid excessively cold colors on office walls, as these can lead to drowsiness. The recommended color is white, a choice that is also practical and functional because white is a relaxing color that gives a lot of indoor light. Alternatively, you could opt for colors such as beige and cream, as long as they are subtle.

Conference room

The conference room must not be left out of any self-respecting office furnishing. Meetings represent an important moment of corporate communication both among colleagues and with clients or suppliers.

The atmosphere in a conference room must be comfortable and functional, capable of inspiring engaging situations. If you have to accommodate more people, you should opt for a conference room table, the size of which depends on the potential amount of people you will be hosting.

It suffices to say that each participant in the meeting must have a minimum space of 70 – 80 cm and direct visual contact must never be compromised.

Generally, an oval or rectangular table is used for the conference room to allow the above requirements to be met. Also of considerable importance are the seats, which must be comfortable, to allow guests to enjoy a sense of comfort and relaxation. Finally, the importance of a projector, an important picture that captures the attention of guests and good lighting should not be underestimated in a conference room.